Title: “The Story of Chrystia Freeland: From Journalist to Canadian Deputy Prime Minister”Chrystia Freeland is a Canadian economist, journalist, and politician. As a member of the Liberal Party, she currently serves as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance for Canada. Born in Peace River, Alberta, Freeland grew up in a family that was heavily involved in politics. Her grandmother was a Ukrainian politician who was sent to a gulag by the Soviet government for her activism, and her uncle was a member of the Ukrainian resistance during World War II. This family history had a major influence on Freeland’s interest in politics and human rights.Freeland’s journalistic career began in the 1990s, when she covered the collapse of the Soviet Union as a stringer for The Financial Times. She then went on to work for various news outlets, including The Economist, The Washington Post, and The Globe and Mail. Her reporting on global financial issues, including the rise of income inequality, received widespread acclaim and earned her a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize. In 2013, she left journalism to pursue a career in politics and was elected as a member of the Canadian Parliament.Despite her background in journalism, Freeland quickly rose through the ranks and became a prominent figure in Canadian politics. In 2015, she became the Minister of International Trade, where she worked to negotiate the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (

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